Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders

At Fox Creek High School, our students aren’t just scholars. They’re innovators and changemakers. They push boundaries and turn obstacles into opportunities. They are tomorrow’s leaders. Ready to join them?

Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders


Empowering the Whole Student

Founded in 2004, our goal is to create an interconnected learning environment that combines a demanding college-preparatory education with the many resources of the CSRA.

a person smiling at a person

19+ Years of History in the CSRA

Dual Enrollment

Through Piedmont Technical College, our students have the opportunity to earn college credit and high school credit at the same time.

Competitive Athletics

The Predators field 26 teams in 2-A Athletics, with notable achievements in Cheerleading, Lacrosse and Football.

Community Engagement

Our School Motto is “School, Community, Family.” It drives our commitment to building a better community by investing in our students’ futures.

Anna’s Story

Watch to hear why Anna Sumner, Class of 2007, and her family’s decision to take a chance on Fox Creek paid off.

a person holding a book

Lorenzo’s Story

Learn how Fox Creek teachers motivated Lorenzo Otero, Class of 2019, to achieve his goals and pursue a career in nursing.

a person wearing a blue shirt with a stethoscope around his neck
Fast Facts

These key figures highlight our dedication to nurture each student’s academic excellence and achievement.

Students in Grades 9-12
+ 0
Of Educators with Advanced Degrees
0 %
Graduation Rate
0 %
Get Ahead

Fox Creek provides one of the state’s most comprehensive Dual Enrollment programs. Students gain both academic skills and hands-on, real-world experience, and graduate with up to two years of transferable college credits.

Athletic Teams
a rugby player holding a ball
Make It Your Own
Choose from a wide range of academic, social, athletic, and service activities to meet your needs, interests, and goals.
Easy Step to Enroll
Create a PowerSchool Account

Create a PowerSchool account and submit a $75 registration fee. Should you wish to pay in person, please use the waiver payment option and enter code FCHS2223.

Submit the Required Paperwork
Submit the required paperwork, including Proof of Residency. We consider your registration paperwork complete once you submit the online forms.
Schedule an IGP Meeting

Schedule an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) meeting to choose your courses with Mrs. Ellis (rising 9th and 12th graders) or Ms. Wheelon (rising 10th and  11th graders).

Ready to Chart your Course at Fox Creek?

We make the enrollment process simple. Start by taking the first step today.