Staff Directory

Meet Fox Creek’s dedicated team of educators and professionals. Together, our commitment to academic excellence, moral focus, and strong community connections fuels our mission to prepare tomorrow’s leaders.


Note: Click on a teacher’s picture to access his or her contact information.

Josh Trahan

Josh Trahan

Executive Director

Andre Baskett

Andre Baskett

Assistant Principal

Tiffany Shepherd

Tiffany Shepherd

Assistant Principal, Title IX Coordinator

Terri Mayson

Terri Mayson

Finance Director

Angela Sanders

Angela Sanders

Athletics Bookkeeper

Stephanie Hammett

Stephanie Hammett

Attendance - Registrar Medical Homebound Contact

Sara Ellis

Sara Ellis

Director of Guidance, 11th/12th Grade Counselor, Mckinney-Vento Liaison

Lindsey Wheelon

Lindsey Thomas

9th/10th Grade Counselor, 504 Coordinator, Dual Enrollment Liaison

Ashley Herrington

Ashley Herrington

Main Office - Sub Coordinator

Clay Thomas

Clay Thomas

School Resource Officer

Jimmy Glover

Jimmy Glover

Maintenance Director

Myra Padgett

Myra Padgett

Maintenance ​

Derrick Quinn

Derrick Quinn

Athletic Director

Joseph Mark

Joseph Mark

Technology Director

Lucia Moraru

Lucia Moraru

Academic Assistance

Emily Felton

Emily Felton

Academic Assistance

Angela Young

Angela Young

Health Science

Jessica Weir

Jessica Weir

Physical Education

Alexis Cohan

Alexis Cohan

Director of Bands and Choirs


Lemuel Lackey

Football Weightlifting

Roby Gillespie

Roby Gillespie


Aaron Ray

Physical Education